IO1: Methodological guidelines

The Methodological Guidelines have been primarily addressed to university students and secondary school in-service teachers across Europe, guiding them on applying the ImTech4Ed pedagogical approach. This enabled them to create their own game prototypes or accompanying instructional material in harmony with the principles of the STEAM education approach. These guidelines offered the essential methodological framework and recommendations, aiding university students and secondary school in-service teachers in understanding how to (i) enhance European youth’s (pupils 12-18 years old) skills in STEAM related courses and increase their interest in STEAM studies and careers via game-enhanced learning, and (ii) utilize Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) and other immersive technologies effectively. Specifically, the Guidelines outlined the ImTech4Ed approach, which integrates traditional instructional activities promoting STEAM learning with (a) AR/VR experiences within digital games and the bolstering of digital skills, and (b) with social dynamics. The provided methodological framework and recommendations were crafted considering the 21st century skills, ensuring that future EU citizens acquire a comprehensive set of competences early in life, bolstering employability, competitiveness, and growth in Europe.

Below you find the methodological guidelines in English, Greek, and German.